2012 December Newsletter: Investor’s Deal of The Year, Property Spoltlight, Dallas Webinar & Market

Happy New Year and Happy Holidays

from Simply Do It team!


Thanksgiving is behind us, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Christmas and New Years are on the horizon. These are truly happy, blessed times, to get together with friends, family and loved ones.


Year-End Event Last Week


I really enjoyed getting together with our intimate real estate investment family at our End of the Year Award event on December 6th in Mountain View. I joked about being a very lovable person, but it isn’t a joke any more. I truly felt loved that evening, with all the wonderful questions, some of them challenging, people wanting to meet with me and tons of warm feedback from all the attendants.


Two of our investors shared their personal stories and few of their investments. I am grateful to Thomas and Bobby for presenting their real life investments and answering all the questions with full honesty.

The Magic of Rental Properties

I love real estate investment; I am constantly blown away by many of aspects of Real Estate Investing, especially by the monthly payment checks that come to my mail box. But let’s not forget all the other benefits, such as tax benefits and someone else paying your mortgage just to name a few.

Personal Goals

During this time of the year I like sitting down and writing my goals for next year. What do I want to achieve both financially and personally? This is a great time to think about the year ahead as well as 15 years from now. What will I live from when I retire? It is always good to think about what lies ahead and the holidays are great to discuss these goals with others.


If you are already invested in real estate I am sure that like me you love to share this amazing information with others. Please tell them about our online education videos at http://tinyurl.com/b6t28fm, webinars http://tinyurl.com/bdvclbq and our free 30 minute personal strategy session http://tinyurl.com/ba4coww.

Make sure not to miss our upcoming events:

In our first webinar in 2013, January 15th we will look into getting started in real estate investing. Invite others and RSVP at http://tinyurl.com/bdvclbq


On Thursday January 17th we will have our first meeting at 7pm and learn about Northern California Foreclosure Market, please follow the link to RSVP http://tinyurl.com/bcx39wq.


I look forward to hearing from you.



Dani Beit-Or

Property Spotlight

Gannon Drive Plano, TX 75025


3 BR, 2 Bath, 1,747 Sq. Ft., 1982 built single family home


Purchase Price: $119,900


Initial Cash Invested: $30,997


Gross Monthly Rent: $1,350


Cash on Cash Return: 12%     


Total Return on Investment: 94%


To view more details: http://tinyurl.com/b9r3j3l

Dallas Flips & Rentals Webinar Summary


Thank you to our local Dallas team for telling us about The “Silicon Valley” area of Dallas.


It was fascinating to learn about the VERY resilient and investment safe market.


The mind blowing return on investment numbers are starting from annual 12% up to 35% cash on cash return, minimum of 8% return. The average investor ROI is 14%. The market is competitive, there are more buyers than sellers and that’s where an experienced, hands on team comes handy to spot appropriate deals and move fast and safely.


We learned that Dallas is a safe environment for investment and the local team is very knowledgeable and experienced.


To see real life examples of recent deals and more listen to full webinar and see presentation slides:


Presentation slides http://tinyurl.com/by4yn6f


Audio Recording http://tinyurl.com/b7eqg2h

Do you want to enjoy high returns on your investments?


Fill the intake form and we will contact you to schedule your FREE 30 minute Strategy Session with Dani Beit-Or, a seasoned Real Estate Investor and Mentor.

Deal of the Year Award


Those of you who made it to our last week “Deal of the Year Award” monthly meeting in Mountain View are probably still catching your breath. We heard from every day-investors Thomas and Bobby about how they got into Real Estate Investing, and even shared with us some of their recent deals. Thank you Bobby and Thomas for sharing your investments with us and showing us how real investors do it.


If you missed the meeting here’s a short re-cap.



Has been investing personally in residential properties since 2002. Over the years had a portfolio of many single family houses, loved the topic so much that wanted to share it with many people. Started a local (and national) real estate investment group in 2011 to share information on REI. A group that has more than quadrupled in size since it’s first meeting in 2011. Dani’s Simply Do It Real Estate Investment firm helps real estate investors connect with competent teams around the county to successfully and profitably invest in residential real estate.



Silicon Valley based Married IT Expert.


Started investing several years ago, met Dani in 2011 and have started using his network to continue his investments.


Purchase date 3/6/2012
Purchase Price 28,000
Rehab & Holding costs 899
Total in 28,899
Selling price 51,000
Agent Comm (6%) 3,060
Sale exp. 200
Profit 18,841
Investor’s (40%) 8,479
Sale Date 6/10/2012
Duration (months) 3
Investor’s ROI 29.34%
Annual Investor’s ROI 110.02%


Silicon Valley Engineer and info-system expert.


Started investing by himself locally. Completed first investment but it was not very pleased with the results – a very stressful experience. Met Dani in 2011 and started investing using his team, the result – stress free successful real estate investing!


First investment:


Purchase price $81,601
Sale Price $107,000
Expenses $4,000
Net Profit $21,399
Bobby’s profit $9,630
ROI 12%
Duration 8 weeks
Annualized ROI 72%

Do you want to enjoy high returns on your investments?


Fill the intake form and we will contact you to schedule your FREE 30 minute Strategy Session with Dani Beit-Or, a seasoned Real Estate Investor and Mentor.



Happy Holidays,

Simply Do It Team