Land Trusts vs. Limited Liability Companies
Randy Hughes is a 40-year real estate industry veteran and an expert on using land trusts to cut investment costs and to protect real estate assets. I've asked Randy to share some thoughts...
Randy Hughes is a 40-year real estate industry veteran and an expert on using land trusts to cut investment costs and to protect real estate assets. I've asked Randy to share some thoughts...
We have put together some great pieces of advice for you – based on experience. 1. You don’t need a degree in engineering/business/MBA/etc. to succeed. 2. You don’t need to...
As you continue building up your real estate portfolio, it is easy to become complacent and not maximize the full potential of your assets. Even if your initial investments have...
In this podcast, CEO & Founder of Simply Do It, Dani Beit-Or, dispels many of the preconceived misconceptions about investing in real estate as shares the facts about what it's...
Simply Do It was founded in 2004 by Dani Beit-Or and is based on two simply principles: 1. Real estate investing shouldn’t be limited to your own backyard, and 2. Anyone can learn how to...
We've all seen the reality television shows where a couple goes in and within 2-4 months (or one 30-minute episode), POOF...
As little kids, we all daydreamed about what we wanted to be when we grew up - teachers, actors, doctors or astronauts. Back then we had very different mindsets about what we wanted...
Investing in a rental or flip property that’s in the middle of everything used to be the golden rule of thumb; however, times are changing. Finding that perfect gem...
If you're like most of us, the start of a new year means a fresh start for you professionally and/or personally. It's a time to step back and take stock...
Regardless of whether you're a seasoned investor or a novice who is just starting your real estate investment journey, when it comes to rental property investments, the long-term goal is...