Yesterday we had our group’s first Round Table meeting. In my mind it was a success.
When I had planned this meeting the goals were simple:
- Intimate networking.
- Share with the group an investment you are considering and get the group’s feedback, ideas, and suggestions.
- Share with the group an issue or a problem you are having as an investor and see what ideas and suggestion the members have to help you over come it.
I was hoping for a collaborative and sharing environment and this is exactly what have happened. I cannot be more pleased.
Instead of having a quick round of introduction we went one by one and after a very quick intro each member had an opportunity to present what he or she are doing, and what challenges they face. The intro was followed by questions from all members to get a better understanding. The questions led to a more depth discussion and even some philosophical conversation.
What I enjoyed most was that there was no holding back. Criticism and supportive ideas were given in a very constructive and fruitful way.
I believe, and hope, all members had found this session beneficial.
Thank you for those who had took an active part in the session.