Enter Your Information Below to Receive Your THREE FREE Gifts ($49.99 value)

1. The latest digital edition of my book, "Mastering Remote Real Estate Rental Investing, A Busy Person's Guide to Successful Investing"
2. A curated list of educational videos & podcasts. These are not available to the public and can only be viewed through our exclusive link
3. A directory of resources that I use daily to stay ahead of the curb

It was great speaking with you!

Based on our conversation, we’d like to make sure you know what to expect moving forward.

Moving Forward – Main Steps

  1. Please review and e-sign our docs: you should soon receive a copy of the docs via email.
  2. Once signed, we will hold a Kickoff conversation to focus on the specifics, mechanics and investable metros.
  3. After that, we will connect you to Simply Do It’s local team/s.
  4. The main steps of buying are:
    1. Get pre-approval for a loan with a lender (if buying with a mortgage)
    2. Start looking at properties and evaluate them – we will help
    3. Submit offer/s on relevant properties using the local team/our agent and us. 
    4. Negotiate and get an acceptance
    5. Send earnest money
    6. Conduct an inspection and appraisal
    7. Sign property management agreement
    8. Close (complete purchase) on the property
  5. Watch the Simply Do It Owner crash-course
  6. Market and lease property

If you didn’t receive a copy of our docs, please let us know. We’ll be happy to help.

If you ever have any questions or need any help, please feel free to contact us. We’re always happy to help.

Contact us at meet@simplydoit.net

Contact Us

It's Simple. Really Simple.

1Intake form

2Strategy Session

3Process Initiation

4Make Choices

5Network Access

6Finance Success

Important Resources

Enter Your Information Below to Receive Your THREE FREE Gifts ($49.99 value)

1. The latest digital edition of my book, "Mastering Remote Real Estate Rental Investing, A Busy Person's Guide to Successful Investing"
2. A curated list of educational videos & podcasts. These are not available to the public and can only be viewed through our exclusive link
3. A directory of resources that I use daily to stay ahead of the curb