To Flip or To Rent
An open discussion about renting or flipping. How to chose which one to focus on? Which one should work for you? Ways to participate in flipping. Q & A!
An open discussion about renting or flipping. How to chose which one to focus on? Which one should work for you? Ways to participate in flipping. Q & A!
Learn about Dani's past mistakes to benefit from his hard-earned mistakes so that you don't have to experience them firsthand....
The pros and cons of purchasing properties at Auction instead of through Open Market Purchase. Learn and apply practices from anywhere in the world while being able to take advantage...
Recorded: May 18 2013, Sunnyvale CA Part of the Simply Do It's "Market Presentations - Real Estate Investments Taking Action Day" event. This presentation contains information about real estate investing in...
This webinar focuses on the pros and cons of purchasing properties at Auction instead of through Open Market Purchase. A highlight on handling it all remotely makes this a perfect...
Presenter: Orjana Bleta | Recorded: Mar. 2013 Learn and get familiar with the Oklahoma City Real Estate market. This course will cover: The type of properties we should invest in What makes Oklahoma City...
Experienced investor and Simply Do It certified adviser, Bobby Sharma, will share his experience living in San Francisco Bay Area and investing in other parts of the country without ever...
Congratulations on deciding to invest in real estate! But now what?...
Recorded: November 13 2012 | Presenter: Dani Beit-Or In this course, Dani identifies the benefits and risks of buying properties at the live auction vs. at the open market. Dani uses several...
Recorded: November 2012 This webinar focuses on the pros and cons of purchasing properties at Auction instead of through Open Market Purchase. A highlight on handling it all remotely makes this...