RESI - Simply Do It Hybrid Owner-Managed Ecosystem
The Background to Starting RESI
As you know, property management companies are a crucial part of Simply Do It and essential for successfully investing in remote long-term rentals. That being said, for over 20 years, there hasn’t been a single week where we at Simply Do It haven’t had to assist clients with property management-related issues. We gladly do so because we understand how important this support is for you as an investor.
Over the years, we’ve noticed—and I’m sure you have too—that many property management companies struggle with inefficiencies that ultimately lead to higher expenses for owners. While we’ve worked hard to help improve operations for many property management companies to benefit our clients, we haven’t always been successful. There are still many challenges that directly impact you as an owner, which I’ll outline below.
After years of hearing your concerns, understanding your frustrations, and personally experiencing these inefficiencies, I decided it’s time for an alternative—a better way for you to manage your properties.
That’s why I created RESI—a hybrid ecosystem designed specifically for Simply Do It clients as an alternative to traditional property management.
To be clear, we will continue working with property managers as we always have—that model isn’t going anywhere. But RESI is here for owners who want more control, efficiency, and transparency in managing their properties, without relying on traditional property management companies.
This is about giving you options and helping you take a more proactive role in your investments. Stay tuned for more details on how RESI can work for you!