Self Directed IRA Investing Important To Know Tax & Other Considerations

Recorded August 2013 | Presenter: Shahar Plinner

>> Course contains: Audio recording file

Special webinar by a tax expert about self directed IRA for real estate investors.
What will be covered in the webinar:

• Common mistakes when buying real estate with self directed IRA

• Things it important to know when investing with your self directed IRA

• What your tax person doesn’t tell when buying when you buy with your self directed IRA

• Tax consequences when buying with self directed IRA

• Q & A
About the Speaker – Shahar Plinner

Shahar specializes in business and foreign taxation and has a deep understating of how to choose the right entity and maintain the best practice for a business. His unique approach to doing business has become his trademark.

During tax season of 2010 Shahar was part of the IRS VITA program (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) which provides free tax help for taxpayers who qualify. “This is a lifetime experience to be able to help those who cannot afford to pay for services and provide them with the best tax solutions as a client. I will definitely do it again.”

Shahar has an MBA from Seattle U. He is living in Redmond, married with 2 children.