
Does eBay Sell Real Estate?

Selling Real Estate on eBay is nothing new, or is it? I've surf up and down the internet pages and...

10 Best Job Growth Areas in America

WalletPop Staff Jun 22nd 2010 at 6:00AM Despite a national economic slump, a handful of metro areas...

Freddie Mac to Auction REO Homes in Phoenix

by Kerry Curry 2:23 PM July 16, 2010 Freddie Mac will auction 135 REO houses in Phoenix next month —...

Lenders Slow Foreclosures By 5% in 2010, Boosting Shadow Inventory: RealtyTrac

  by Jon Prior 11:00 PM July 14, 2010 Foreclosure filings dropped 5% over the first half of...

Shadow Inventory of Homes to Take Nearly 3 Years to Clear: S&P

by JON PRIOR The “shadow inventory” of bank-repossessed properties, as well as distressed mortgages...

Real Estate Investments Buzz Words Over The Years

Real Estate investing is like fashion. Over the years I have heard so many buzz words and phrases. I...

Where is America moving? – 2009 Migration Patterns

Based on 71,474 Interstate and Cross-Border Household Goods Moves from January 1, 2009...

Recession Alters Migration Patterns in U.S.

By MARK WHITEHOUSE The recession has had a profound effect on migration patterns in the U.S...