
The Flips Report

Updated: 6/23/15   Simply Do It's  FLIP REPORT FILE presents 51 deals as follows: 2 Are under...

1. How To Get Started

Break your Analysis Paralysis habit. Start investing in Real Estate! We have found that the number...

2. Meet Dani Beit Or Simply Do It’s Founder & CEO

There is a way to become a more successful and safer real estate investor. You always wanted to get...

2.5 Strategy Session Intake Form

Please take a minute or two to complete the meeting form below. Once we receive your submission, we...

3. Where to Buy Investment Properties

Many investors believe that you should only invest in real estate in your own back yard. What if you...

4. The Importance of Building Your Strategy – A Session with Simply Do It

It's time to achieve your goals! Most investors are divided into two main groups: Group 1 - I know...

5. What Makes Single Family Home Such a Great Investment

Why Single Family Homes over MultiFamily? Is investing in single family homes the right way for you...